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Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Smadav 2010 Rev 8.2

 Berikut ini adalah beberapa penyempurnaan Smadav 2010 Rev. 8.2 :
- Penambahan database 80 virus baru
- Penambahan teknik heuristik untuk varian virus penginfeksi exe
- Perbaikan Inter Process Communication SmaRTP-0
- Perbaikan false alarm pada Flashdisk U3
- Perubahan metode update

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Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Virus Komputer Ancam Sabotase Industri Vital

Jakarta - Sebuah virus diketahui melakukan serangan pada sistem kendali industri. Gawatnya, sistem ini digunakan di industri vital, mulai dari pabrik makanan hingga pembangkit listrik.

Perusahaan elektronik Siemens AG telah mengumumkan adanya sebuah virus yang cukup berbahaya. Karena virus itu menyerbu  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

Bahaya dari virus itu jadi besar karena SCADA digunakan di berbagai industri penting. Mulai dari pabrik pembuat makanan, industri kimia hingga pembangkit listrik.

Siemens menyebutkan, program jahat dengan nama Stuxnet itu memanfaatkan kelemahan pada sistem operasi Windows. Sedangkan penyebarannya dilakukan melalui USB Flashdisk.

"Cukup membuka flashdisk itu sudah cukup untuk mengaktifkannya. Siemens merekomendasikan untuk tidak menggunakan USB Flashdisk," ujar Alexander Machowetz, juru bicara Siemens.

Setelah menginfeksi sistem SCADA Siemens, program jahat itu akan mengirimkan data ke komputer server di lokasi yang jauh. Dari sana, data penting bisa dicuri atau bahkan kendali sistem itu bisa diambilalih oleh pihak tak bertanggungjawab.

Untungnya, penyebaran program jahat ini agak terhambat karena kebanyakan sistem SCADA tak terhubung ke internet langsung, sehingga penyebarannya praktis hanya melalui USB Flashdisk. Meski demikian, sejauh ini sudah ada satu klien Siemens di Jerman yang terinfeksi Stuxnet.

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Ilmuwan Inggris Mengaku Terinfeksi Virus Komputer

LONDON - Selama ini virus yang berkembang di PC pasti akan menyebar di komputer. Lalu, apa jadinya jika virus komputer tersebut juga bisa menginfeksi manusia?

Peristiwa unik ini terjadi di Inggris. Seorang ilmuwan di University of Reading mengatakan dia menjadi orang pertama di dunia yang terinfeksi oleh virus komputer.

Adalah Dr Mark Gasson, mengakui telah terkontaminasi chip komputer yang ditanamkan di tangannya. Menurutnya itu bisa memiliki implikasi besar untuk perangkat kesehatan seperti alat pacu jantung jantung dan implan koklea.

"Penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa teknologi implan telah dikembangkan ke titik di mana implan mampu berkomunikasi, menyimpan dan memanipulasi data,

"Mereka pada dasarnya adalah komputer mini. Hal ini berarti bahwa, seperti mainstream komputer yang mana mereka dapat terinfeksi oleh virus dan teknologi perlu mengimbangi ini. Sehingga implan, termasuk peralatan medis, dapat digunakan secara aman di masa depan," tambahnya.

Chip A high-end Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) yang ditanamkan ke tangan kiri Gasson tahun lalu, dapat memberikan akses yang aman untuk masuk ke dalam universitas dan juga perangkat genggamnya.

Setelah terinfeksi, chip merusak sistem utama yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengannya. Sehingga, dia mengakui kalau dirinya merupakan orang yang pertama kemasukan virus komputer di dalam tubuhnya.

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Virus Baru Intai OS Symbian

LONDON - NetQin sebuah perusahaan keamanan mengingatkan mengenai bahaya virus baru yang menyerang ponsel cerdas berbasis Symbian.

Menurut perusahaan tersebut, virus ini sulit dideteksi karena menyamar di dalam game ponsel. Beberapa platform Symbian yang menjadi incaran virus tersebut terdiri dari versi S60 3rd Edition, serta S60 5th edition atau Symbian OS 9.4.

Virus tersebut terdeteksi bernama ShadowSrv.A, FC.Downsis.A, BIT.N dan MapPlug.A, jenis virus ini mendompleng game yang ada di ponsel Symbian. Ketika game ini dijalankan, virus itu langsung mengambil alih ponsel dan menyusupkan Malware.

"Setelah dikuasai, virus akan mengirim pesan ke semua kontak secara langsung, dan mengirim pesan ke nomor telepon acak dengan menghubungkannya ke server," tulis NetQin.

"Pesan tersebut berisi URL yang disebut berisi konten seperti video Piala Dunia atau acara televisi populer, yang sebenarnya adalah situs yang dipenuhi virus. Setelah itu, virus akan menghapus pesan yang dikirimkan dari kotak keluar termasuk log SMS," tambahnya.

NetQin memperkirakan terdapat 100 ribu ponsel di seluruh dunia sangat rentan terhadap virus ini. Salah satu penyebab utamanya adalah, banyaknya aplikasi yang membanjiri ponsel cerdas dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

Modus virus dengan menyisipkan malware yang ditujukan untuk smartphone ini bukanlah hal yang baru. Pada akhir 2009, NetQin juga pernah menemukan sebuah botnet bernama iKee yang mampu menyerang iPhone.

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Apple Mulai Tak Peduli Keamanan iPhone

SAN FRANSISCO - Pelaku kriminal yang menggunakan iPhone dalam melakukan aksinya dianggap telah 'menggali kubur sendiri'. Pasalnya, iPhone diklaim memiliki tingkat keamanan penyimpanan data yang kurang.

Perangkat komunikasi terus tumbuh dan semakin popular. Bahkan badan penegak hukum di AS bekerja sama dengan ahli teknologi untuk meningkatkan potensi dan pemahaman terhadap penyelidikan forensik.

Jika dulu pihak kepolisian melacak pelaku kriminal dengan menggunakan teknologi berbasis lokasi melalui menara ponsel, teknologi itu kini dianggap konvensional. Pasalnya, pelacakan melalui iPhone mampu memberikan informasi yang jauh lebih banyak.

"Ada banyak masalah keamanan dalam desain iPhone. Perangkat ini mampu mempertahankan lebih banyak informasi pribadi ketimbang perangkat lain."

"Perangkat ini mampu mengatur kehidupan orang. Bahkan jika seseorang melakukan kejahatan, ia pasti akan membutuhkan ponsel," ujar Zdziarski. Saat ini, Apple sendiri telah menjual lebih dari 50 juta iPhone sejak diluncurkan pada 2007.

Zdziarski menduga jika Apple telah mengabaikan keamanan pada iPhone seiring dengan perubahan segmentasi iPhone, dari bisnis ke konsumer. Tidak seperti RIM yang masih menganggap RIM digunakan untuk segmen bisnis sehingga keamanannya masih terjamin.

Mantan hacker itu memberikan contoh pada penyematan logging cache keyboard di iPhone. Sistem itu dimunculkan untuk membantu mengkoreksi kesalahan pengetikan kata. Namun ternyata setiap kata yang diketik akan disimpan oleh perangkat dan masih bisa diakses selama tiga hingga 12 bulan. Bahkan, setiap sistem pemettaan internal iPhone ditutup, perangkat tersebut akan menyimpan informasi lokasi terakhir ponsel tersebut digunakan.

Zdziarski juga dapat mengakses ratusan gambar dari iPhone, lengkap dengan informasi mengenai waktu dan lokasi foto itu diambil, serta nomor seri produk ponsel yang digunakan. Semua ini bisa diakses berkat adanya sistem 'geotag'.

"Sangat sedikit orang yang bisa benar-benar menghapus data dari ponsel mereka. Kebanyakan menganggap semua data dan informasi telah terhapus, namun ternyata semua itu masih bisa diakses oleh mereka yang ahli," kata Sam Brothers, seorang peneliti ponsel dari Bea Cukai dan Perlindungan Perbatasan AS.

Sumber : Okezone.com
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50 Malware Paling Berbahaya di Indonesia

Jakarta - Kaspersky Lab mengeluarkan data Top 50 Malware paling berbahaya di Indonesia. Data tersebut diambil berdasar laporan Kaspersky Lab untuk periode 1 - 8 Juli 2010.

Data berikut merupakan konten yang dikumpulkan dari server Kaspersky, berdasarkan jumlah serangan yang dikirimkan ke jaringan keamanan Kaspersky.

Adapun jumlah server jaringan keamanan Kaspersky saat ini berjumlah lebih dari 7.000. Untuk menyeleksinya menjadi top 50, malware-malware tersebut diukur tingkat bahayanya dengan jumlah serangan pada ribuan server Kaspersky di seluruh dunia.

Berikut adalah data hasil urutan Malware-malware berbahaya di Indonesia pada awal bulan ini:

Nama Malware Hits
HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic 21.53%
Trojan.Win32.VBKrypt.ctn 11.00%
not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Relevant.q 7.66%
Packed.Win32.Katusha.n 6.70%
Trojan.Win32.Monder.dipd 5.26%
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.nyj 4.31%
HackTool.Win32.Kiser.mc 3.35%
Net-Worm.Win32.Kido.ih 2.87%
not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Relevant.p 2.87%
Backdoor.Win32.IRCBot.pou 2.87%
Backdoor.Win32.Agent.awhk 2.39%
HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Generic 1.91%
Trojan.Win32.BHO.ahxg 1.44%
Trojan.Win32.VB.ahkh 1.44%
Trojan-Clicker.Win32.Agent.lxp 1.44%
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.dyfa 1.44%
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.dygj 1.44%
Email-Worm.Win32.Gibon.ib 0.96%
Trojan-PSW.Win32.Dybalom.dhd 0.96%
HEUR:Worm.Win32.Generic 0.96%
not-a-virus:NetTool.Win32.Portscan.c 0.96%
Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Clons.fks 0.96%
SuspiciousPacker.Multi.Generic 0.96%
Trojan-PSW.Win32.Dybalom.bkn 0.96%
MultiPacked.Multi.Generic 0.48%
Trojan-GameThief.Win32.OnLineGames.wwro 0.48%
Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Delf.fhh 0.48%
Trojan-Downloader.BAT.Agent.ci 0.48%
Packed.Win32.Krap.ao 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Cosmu.yuw 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Jorik.IRCbot.q 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.VBKrypt.cxe 0.48%
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.dyry 0.48%
Trojan-Spy.Win32.Spenir.bd 0.48%
Virus.Win32.Induc.a 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Swisyn.jyb 0.48%
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack.mdo 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Rettesser.b 0.48%
not-a-virus:Client-IRC.Win32.mIRC.g 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Pakes.mqw 0.48%
Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Delf.fny 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Jorik.Oficla.m 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Llac.bdm 0.48%
Trojan-PSW.Win32.Dybalom.dhc 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Vilsel.agwv 0.48%
Virus.Win32.Induc.b 0.48%
Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Hexzone.iul 0.48%
Trojan.Win32.Antavmu.iij 0.48%
Trojan-Dropper.MSIL.Agent.ajv 0.48%
not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.FunWeb.di 0.48%
Backdoor.Win32.Sheldor.bj 0.48%
Trojan-Dropper.Win32.TDSS.bzd 0.48%

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Hacker Pembobol iPad/AT&T Tersangkut Narkoba

CALIFORNIA - Kepolisian Amerika Serikat dikabarkan berhasil meringkus salah satu anggota kelompok Hacker yang beberapa waktu lalu membobol akun email milik pengguna iPad dengan menggunakan kelemahan jaringan operator seluler AT&T. Andrew Auernheimer, pria berusia 24 tahun asal Arkansas ditangkap polisi bersamaan dengan sejumlah barang bukti narkoba.

Saat dibekuk di rumahnya, polisi juga menemukan kokain, ekstasi, dan LSD.

Auernheimer merupakan anggota kelompok hacker yang bernama Goatse Security. Kelompok tersebut memiliki 114.000 akun pengguna iPad yang terdiri dari selebriti dan pejabat politik di AS dan menyebarkannya melalui blog Valleywag.

Goatse mengatakan, identifikasi alamat email itu didapatkan berdasarkan teknologi ICC IDS atau integrated circuit card identifier yang terhubung dengan SIM card pada mobile device tersebut.

Polisi sendiri menolak untuk memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut atas penggerbekan rumah Auernheimer itu. Tapi sayang, Auernheimer tak dapat mengelak lagi, meski lolos dari jeratan pembobolan email, ia akan berhadapan dengan tuntutan kepemilikan narkoba.

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

McAfee Akuisisi Trust Digital

NEW YORK - Raksasa Keamanan McAfee telah membuat kesepakatan untuk mengakuisisi perusahan bernamaTrust Digital dalam upaya untuk memperluas tempat di pasar keamanan pada perangkat mobile.

Keinginan McAfee untuk mengakusisi karena Trust Digital merupakan spesialisasi dalam manajemen perusahaan mobilitas, yang menawarkan platform yang kompatibel dengan berbagai sistem operasi mobile termasuk iPhone, Android dan Windows Mobile.

McAfee mengklaim dalam sebuah pernyataan bahwa kemampuan ini, merupakan langkah awal dalam memberikan solusi keamanan pertama yang komprehensif di industri mobile.

"Para pebisnis sekarang senang dengan kemampuan iPhone, ataupun smartphone yang lainnya, dan tablet dengan cepat diaadopsi sebagai komputer genggam mereka, tapi rekan-rekan IT mereka sekarang harus mencari alat untuk secara efektif aman dan mengelolanya, " tandas Shull Mark, Chief Executive Trust Digital.

"Integrasi Trust Digital dengan McAfee akan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk secara cepat menyebarkan perangkat mobilitas baru seperti smartphon dengan tingkat keamanan tertinggi," tambahnya.

Akuisisi tersebut diharapkan selesai pada akhir Juni meskipun tidak ada rincian harga akuisisi Trust Digital yang telah terungkap.(Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Situs Polda Jatim Jadi Korban Tangan Jahil

Surabaya - Situs milik Polda Jawa Timur jadi korban tangan jahil. Situs yang beralamat di http://www.jatim.polri.go.id, diserang hacker yang menamakan dirinya sacred_relic.

Gambar sosok berjubah jitam sempat memblok situs milik Polda Jatim, pukul 00.30 WIB, Kamis (27/5/2010).

Situs yang biasanya menyajikan informasi-informasi penting itu, warnanya berubah menjadi hitam dengan gambar sosok berjubah di tengah, dan di bawah terdapat kata Hacked, dengan huruf H serta D berwarna hitam.

Sedangkan di atas sosok bejubah itu terdapat tulisan 'Hacked by sacred_relic'. Sedangkan, di bawah gambar sosok berjubah itu juga terdapat kalimat, "Indonesian Defacers Always Inside,.... :P".

Sementara, saat detiksurabaya.com kembali mencoba mengunjungi situs milik Polda Jatim yang sempat diacak-acak hacker pada pukul 07.00 WIB, nampaknya sudah dalam proses perbaikan. Pasalnya, sudah tidak terlihat lagi gambar sosok berjubah.(Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Spam Dotted Quad Kian Bergeliat

Jakarta - Spam dotted quad membuat heboh ranah internet karena volumenya naik lebih dari tiga kali lipat dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya. Spam ini muncul ketika alamat dotted quad pada link url spam digunakan dalam body pesan spam, jadi bukan nama domain dari url spam seperti yang biasa dilakukan.

Alamat dotted quad adalah notasi yang menyatakan alamat IP empat byte (32-bit) berupa deretan empat angka desimal yang dipisahkan oleh titik (dot). Sebagai contoh, daripada menggunakan domain.com pada url, link tersebut menggunakan sebuah alamat IP, misalnya:

Padahal, menurut Symantec Messaging & Web Security, yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah pengguna dialihkan ke halaman web lain setelah mengklik link yang tersedia di dalam pesan. Meski demikian, ada langkah lain yang tersembunyi sebelum pengguna sampai di tujuan akhir.

"Spammer bisa membuat banyak pengalihan dalam kampanye spam mereka".

Spammer, lanjut lembaga keamanan tersebut, memanfaatkan teknik ini karena majunya teknologi anti-spam. Bahkan penyaring paling dasar sekalipun dapat memblokir pesan yang memiliki url di dalam pesan. Maka dari itu, jika spammer hanya mengirim pesan dengan spam.com domain sebagai url, pesan tersebut mungkin akan diblokir oleh penyaring url.

"Akan tetapi, spammer meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan mereka dalam pengiriman pesan ketika mereka menggunakan teknik pengalihan di atas. Spammer sering menggunakan server yang di-hack atau dicuri dan meletakkan file html kecil yang akan mengalihkan pengguna ke tujuan, atau ke pengalihan lainnya," lanjut Symantec.

"Untuk mengirimkan pesan spam ini, mereka juga menggunakan host yang dicuri (sering disebut sebagai zombie) dengan memanfaatkan reputasi baik dari host tersebut. Penggabungan dua taktik ini akan menaikkan tingkat pengiriman karena pesan tersebut mempunyai peluang yang lebih besar untuk melewati penyaring tradisional sama halnya pada penyaring berbasis reputasi," lanjutnya.

Lebih dari itu, spammer dapat memanfaatkan banyak level dari host yang dicuri, sehingga menghasilkan matriks kombinasi sebanyak-banyaknya. Hal tersebut membantu spammer meneruskan kampanye mereka meskipun mereka kehilangan beberapa host yang dicuri, Symantec menandaskan.(Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Virus 'Video Seksi' Facebook Catut Nama Winamp

Jakarta - Sebuah virus diketahui menyebar dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan pada situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Bahkan, virus yang mengiming-imingi pengguna dengan video seksi itu juga mencatut nama software pemutar media digital Winamp.

Alfons Tanujaya, analis antivirus Vaksincom, mengabarkan adanya sebuah virus yang menyebar lewat Facebook. Cukup dengan mengklik sebuah link, yang konon mengarah ke sebuah video seksi, pengguna Facebook bisa terjebak mengirimkan link ke virus ini pada semua account temannya.

Alfons mengatakan virus tersebut juga berusaha mencatut nama Winamp. Piranti lunak pemutar musik digital Winamp itu memang cukup populer di kalangan pengguna internet.

Nama Winamp, ujar Alfons, dicatut demi mengelabui pengguna internet yang sudah cukup mahir. "Akal-akalan yang dilakukan pembuat aplikasi ini adalah menggunakan nama aplikasi 'Winamp on Facebook' dan bukan menggunakan nama 'Winamp'".

Pengembang aplikasi ini dicurigai memang memiliki niat yang kurang baik. Halaman pengembangnya pun tampak dipenuhi oleh berbaga sumpah serapah dari pengguna Facebook.(Choi)

Sumber : detikinet.com
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ISP Penyebar Spam Mulai Ditertibkan

WASHINGTON - Federal Trade Commission Amerika Serikat (FTC) telah menutup penyelanggara Internet service provider (ISP) yang secara aktif membantu mendistribusikan spam, spyware dan pornografi anak.

FTC secara sah menutup ISP dengan nama 3FN. Penyelenggara itu selama ini selalu hadir dengan berbagai nama yang berbeda, termasuk diantaranya Pricewert LLC, Triple Fiber Network, APS Telecom, APX Telecom, APS Communications dan APS Communication.

Pada bulan Juni 2009, 3FN dituduh secara aktif merekrut dan berkolusi dengan penjahat cyber untuk mendistribusikan spyware, virus, trojan, skema phishing, botnet command-and-control servers, dan gambar anak-anak yang menampilkan pornografi, kekerasan, dan lain sebagainya.

FTC juga menuduh bahwa 3FN digunakan dan mengoperasikabotnet, dengan lebih dari 4.500 program perangkat lunak berbahaya yang dikendalikan dan diselenggarakan oleh 3FN.

Mereka juga menyebar malware tersebut yang mencakup program-program untuk keystroke logging, mencuri password dan pencurian data, program dengan aktivitas pengendalian tersembunyi seperti remote backdoor, dan program yang terlibat dalam distribusi spam. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.Com
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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Growled Priok Tragedy, The goal Hacker Government Sites

JAKARTA - The bloody incident that occurred in the territory of Koja, Tanjung Priok make growled all circles, including hackers. The site also became targets of government.

"Stop the violence of the people," wrote cracker named Megatron who claimed in a message left on the website of Prima Tani owned by the Department of Agriculture.

The site is still in a state of being hacked. Even when opened through a Google search also looks have not changed. Apparently the site admin Prima Tani has not realized its website at MOA-crack.

In the same action, the cracker also write other messages,

Our leader is a murderer
motivate subordinates for mass murder
bejadnya so leaders of this country
only a wisp of apology to several people who flew and scattered thousands of drops of blood
it's time to rise against the oppression
DEAD OR ALIVE with the motto
Justice For All

Apparently, other than to inform the 'hole' on the site, the hackers use this opportunity to voice their opinions about the bloody events in Tanjung Priok some time ago. Even to strengthen their statement, a photograph was displayed. Photos showing the object holding demonstrations titled 'Pol PP = Thugs'.

In okezone monitoring, not only the site of Prima Tani is broken into by crackers MOA. There are at least two more sites that experienced the same, Alvin and Kaikids Tour. Until now, Kaikids site has 'recovered', unlike two other sites.
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Russian Hacker Site collapse Telegraph

LONDON - Action internationally renowned media sites burglary occurred again. This time a group of Romanian origin hackers successfully change the appearance of a fairly large online media in the UK.

Eastern European hackers who named himself the successful Romanian Gypsies into the Telegraph online site's security system. In fact, they successfully change the look of the front page with a face icon from an American politician, Sarah Palin, and also the photo image Romanian flag.

"They returned to find the hole that was discovered in March 2009. And without doubt they had defaced the two subdomains as well, namely 'shortbreaks (dot) telegraph.co.uk and wine-and-Dine (dot) telegraph.co.uk / site / index.php '. "

"It seems that company at the Telegraph did not learn from past experience. The evidence, they let the hole until hackers can exploit," he added.

Blogs that mention, the hacker wrote if bobolnya Telegraph website this happens because of the vulnerability SQLi. Moreover, could not have sounded repeatedly ignores the fact that even today, the password in the usual view is wrong. The fact that all IT security experts recommended that a password must have at least encription, it should be obeyed.

Long enough that vandalism occurred, although this time the Guardian newspaper sites competitors can already be accessed again in the normal state by the visitors who are not only from outside the UK alone.
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Google: Email Spam Declining Slowly

SAN FRANCISCO - The volume of spam in the virtual world slowly begins to experience predicted a decrease in the count per quarter, although when compared to last year, the figure is still rising.

"In the first quarter of this year 2010, spam volume was lower than the last quarter of 2009. However, when compared to the same quarter last year, volumes increased approximately 6 percent."

From these data, the contribution of the largest spam comes from email spam viruses masquerade, the rampant spread by spammers in the second quarter of 2009. Email bervirus has a 0.3 per cent of the overall percentage of spam that is the first quarter of 2009. But these numbers then it jumped to 3.7 percent in the second quarter of 2009. Although then came back down approximately 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2010, these figures nonetheless still 12 times more than the first quarter last year.

This March, Google also estimates the increase in spam sent to capacity. Spam-spam that are distributed on average have a memory capacity of 30 per cent heavier than the last. This is because most of the spam emails include pictures of no importance to attract victims.

"Spammers are expected to use the way of promotion of new models that will make it easier and faster to pull the victim, like a plug and play components commonly used spammers," said Senior Product Marketing Manager for the Google Postini Adam Swidler.

The data were also found, subject to spam email still does not change much, ie cheap drugs, celebrity gossip, breaking news, and the tragedy of natural disasters. In January, spammers also use the lure of donations from the earthquake on behalf of Haiti to profiteer name of foundation donations, politicians and celebrities.
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Indonesian Hacker Attack 4 Country Together

JAKARTA - In one night, a hacker managed to bombard the Indonesian claim that there are dozens of sites in Turkey, Russia, India and Latvia.

A hacker forum 'black' on behalf of himself emerging as Hacker Cisadane. In its action, nearly 100 sites that exist in these countries berhsail dikerjai.

In his testimony, Wednesday (04/14/2010), hackers claimed to do all the action only in a single night, from Tuesday night until Wednesday morning.

"Hackers are hackers Cisadane Indonesian who lived in Tangerang and the surrounding area, taken from the name of a river of pride and the biggest river in the town of Tangerang. Many people are not aware of and heard of this new forum, because there are too many hackers forum in Indonesia. The forum was surfacing new Cyber world, 'the hacker wrote.

"We are doing these attacks because we do not want the hackers and hacker forums in Indonesia, slaughtering each other and play off each other. We want them to understand this message and try to come out of myself for not doing any less pleasing, because it will destroy the unity of hackers in this beloved country, "they wrote again.

Although some sites still in view in-hack, a few other sites that some are not accessible like http://www.1-univermag.ru/, http://aglajaflowers.com/, or http://www.xt . lv /.
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Hackers infiltrated anti-terror forces

MOSCOW - Russian hackers who attacked the spread of new malware smartphone. Action by the spread of malware to infiltrate a game about the anti-terrorist forces '3 D Anti-Terrorist Action. "

According to Sophos Senior Technology Consultant Graham Cluley, a new malware attack that most mobile-phone operating system based on Windows Mobile. Any phone owners who download the '3 D game Anti-Terrorist Action 'will automatically direct infected when installing them.

"Malware will also make your phone bills to swell, especially when you do international calling."

Sophos detects new malware such as Troj / terdial-A. Origin of Russian hackers, malware entering into one download site Windows Mobile applications.

"We are appealing that mobile phone users to be careful in downloading and installing applications on mobile malware is the biggest threat, especially for companies," said Cluley.

He said that the last six years of cyber criminals start utilizing a lot of malware on mobile phones to get money. As happened in 2004, Symbian phone ever hit by a Trojan Mosqit
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Attacks in the Adobe PDF Reader Warn

SAN FRANCISCO - Adobe warned users of Adobe Acrobat and PDF Reader about a new attack on the application of the risk is potentially exposing user data.

These attacks take advantage of Adobe Acrobat Reader and the ability to mess up the content and other applications. This attack does not mean that Adobe software is weak, but the ability of social engineering to trick users into clicking on something that could cause malicious code execution.

Credit card security research firm says Didier Stevens warning also came from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), which noted the danger that after the PDF Reader and Adobe Acrobat.

'When users open a PDF that contains a warning dialog box that users and application file viewer that is set to be launched by a PDF file. "

"An attacker can manipulate the contents of the file name of the dialog box in an attempt to convince users to open a file that is actually dangerous," he added.

Steve Gottwals Adobe said in a posting on the blog so that users Adobe Reader and Acrobat Reader to open files that can really be trusted, and not arbitrarily open the document from an unknown person.

US-CERT notes that Adobe Acrobat and Reader did a little mistake by providing the option to disable the warning message, which allows users to easily pass through security mechanisms.

News about the attacks through Adobe layana is old, last quarter TrendLabs security firm TrendMicro reported this week that have been identified in the updated Adobe spoofing attacks.
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Jumat, 16 April 2010

Beware, Create Virus Mobile Pocket Game in Bolong

Jakarta - antivirus company Sophos reported the emergence of new viruses are ready to pounce on the mobile phone users. This virus infiltrate in gaming applications and potential to make a perforated bag.

Sophos detects this malware with the name Troj / Terdial-A. He is said to derive from the virtual world mafia groups from Russia, which systematically targeting the mobile-phone operating Windows Mobile.

Senior technology consultant at Sophos, Graham Cluley, said it had received reports from a number of mobile users to the Windows Mobile OS that found its communication tools to make the call 'stealth'.

It means, do automatically without dialing the desired phone owners. Tragically, who conducted the international calls so that users can create invoices pulses swell.

"It seems that Russian hackers have been slipped a trojan in the game '3 D Anti-terrorist Action '. The way to upload it on the Windows Mobile site on the web."

Thus, these viruses infect when the user try to install game updates or '3 D Anti-terrorist Action 'is. "Principals may want to drain the victim of money by making calls nan expensive premium. So the user should be more vigilant when it wants to download and install new applications," continued Cluley.

Mode mobile phone virus that makes it true perforated bag is not new, because geliatnya been detected since 6 years ago.

"In 2004 for example, there is a trojan that infects Mosqit Nokia phones and Symbian OS to take action to send SMS premium numbers. Only this time, the new viruses targeting mobile games," concluded Cluley.
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Erotic video 'Toxic' Try to Attract facebookers

Jakarta - Facebook Users must be careful if there is a message that hereafter erotic video links. Because it could be a provocation from malicious worms Koobface who intends to fool the prospective victim.

ESET security security agencies said that the worm operates by spreading the messages to a number of Facebook users inboxes. Offered this message is quite interesting some people, namely the links that would display the hidden camera video erotic.

"Though this message is just a trick that was sent from a computer that also had been infected. Computers have become victims of the post to all the contacts they have and send a link to the site titled 'Video posted by Hidden Camera' is.

Then, the user that the message is timeless gentle persuasion will be asked to download a video codec that is said to be able to watch a video nasty in question.

"But instead of flash codec download, an existing program that is downloaded is Koobface. Well, if malicious programs are then installed, the system user's computer will be infected," continued ESET.
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Beware, virus infiltrate the PDF Files

Jakarta - Acrobat file format PDF or commonly referred to may be claimed to be very safe to view a document. I was so safe, credit card companies send bills through this format.

In fact, almost all banks use to send documents, important letters, and invoices. But now users of PDF format have to be more vigilant. The hackers tried to break into your PC using this format.

According to Websense Security Labs, Zbot Trojan or commonly called 'Zeus' is a virus that will steal any data on the infected PC. The virus spreads very fast through the email. Until now have been found infected emails in India 2200.

"Do not ever open an attachment with the name 'Royal_Mail_Delivery_Notice.pdf' in it. Most people think PDF is a file safe so no problem to store it on your PC. But no, it will remove some of the PDF file and take over the computer. Anti-virus latest also has a 80% risk of error in detecting the virus in this file, "said a spokeswoman for Websense.

How the virus is doubling itself in the Windows operating system, where all programs are vital and changing the registry so the computer virus is active every time the PC is turned on.

"Registry is available in computer databases. Functioning to track hardware, software and other information. For instance, when new software has been installed then the registry will contain all the information about the software, the" lid.
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Trojan Lovers drill Kenzero Japanese Porn Game

Tokyo - A new type of malicious programs make fans anxious porn pirated games in Japan. Kenzero named Trojan infects your PC via file sharing sites.

The problem, then publish the net Kenzero the infected user's history to the public website. If the victim wants the private data is deleted, they are being blackmailed to give some money.

"All information will be published on the website and then, the victim will receive an e-mail. E-mail came from a company called Romancing Inc., which promised to remove the data if it is paid," said security vendor Trend Micro.

This Trojan installs itself using file share service popular in Japan, Winni. Kenzero attack targets are those who download illegal copies hentai games porn genre in Japan.

According to reports, there were 5500 people in the country who claim to Sunrise Kenzero infected. This virus is being monitored closely by Trend Micro.
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Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Security Test, How to Prove Reliability Strategies Antivirus

Jakarta - How can users know the effectiveness of antiviral agents used? Do you have to wait for the computer virus attack first? Fortunately, because there is a recognized safety testing in the industry.

Testing was, for example, is conducted by AV-comparatives or by AV-Test.org. Both tests have been recognized by the industry and believed it could find out how powerful an antivirus software.

During recent years, the landscape distribution of a computer security threat has undergone fundamental changes. If you had only a small number of threats that could affect millions of users, this time millions of new threats appear each month and are threatened only a pinch of users around the world.

The following data from our analysts at Symantec may illustrate how big this issue: during 2009, Symantec software has blocked more than 2.7 billion effort to attack around the world. This means that, with this condition, the solution 'just antivirus' traditionally been less effective.

To overcome this, Symantec has made a change to the approach to defense-in-depth. This approach uses multiple layers of security to protect users.

AV-Comparative Testing and AV-Test.org has also reflect changes in testing methods for evaluating the comprehensive protection offered by the latest security products.

Test results from two independent institutions that demonstrate the ability Symantec security products. Anugerah Best Anti-Virus Product of 2009 provided AV-comparatives in Symantec, the first position is also found in real-world testing conducted by AV-Test.org.

Award from AV-comparatives reflect the ability of various tests on the main areas of security, in terms of protection and performance. While testing conducted by AV-Test.org is the protection of the daily activities of users, such as browsing and downloading files.

Stephen Trilling, senior VP, Security Technology and Response, Symantec, said that tests conducted to evaluate the product's ability in dealing with real malware.


One type of award given by AV-comparatives is a gold medal for Best Anti-Virus Product of 2009. This award is the result of tests on the Norton AntiVirus and a few other vendors products against eight types of tests, including: On-Demand Malware Detection, On-Demand Proactive Malware Detection, False Positives, On-Demand Scanning Speed, Overall Performance (Low-Impact System) , On-Demand Applications Potentially Unwanted Detection, Malware Removal Capabilities and Dynamic Whole-Product Protection.

According to Andreas Clementi, chief executive officer, AV-comparatives, the overall outcome is good for Symantec, in 2009 the test, showing how its products have been doing a good job and balanced in terms of performance, a high detection rate and false-positive rate of low.


AV-Test.org recently testing a new version to answer the question how effective the antivirus and Internet security products to detect malicious programs that really new in everyday situations.

In that test security products tested 12 different. Symantec's Norton AntiVirus to detect 98 percent of the existing threat, this is the best of the 12 products tested.

Andreas Marx, chief executive officer, AV-Test.org says that this new test provides an opportunity for security products to try all of their protective coating. And, therefore, better protection of predicting what users will experience in the field everyday.

Currently, most computer users infected by malicious programs such as Internet-based attacks silently download (drive-by download) and social engineering-based attacks, often disguised as sly as a user clicks on a particular link. AV-Test.org attempt to create a test that can reflect the threats that exist today.

For three months, until December 2009, AV-Test.org test of security products to 10 new threats per day. Each sample is run on a clean machine and arranged in order to show how users can get the attack in real conditions.

This approach allows testing on all the different layers of protection from any security product, and not just one layer only. Throughout the testing, each product exposed to 600 different security threats, and also clean the file 400 to ensure no errors clean files detected as malware - aka False Positive (FP). In the test, the Symantec obtain the highest detection rate (98 percent) and the best FP.

Technology Behind the Product

The main technology behind a Symantec security solutions presented by the organization's Security Technology and Response (STAR). During 2009, STAR has developed and produced a number of security technologies so innovative that contribute to the protection of high value in the tests above.

Here are some technologies that:

  • Reputation-Based Security: STAR has created a reputation-based technology that brings the knowledge of millions of Symantec users who participated to produce a safety rating which is very accurate for almost all jenus existing files on the Internet. This gives users the power to Symantec to make good choices on their software download and install on your computer.
  • Advanced Heuristic Protection: STAR has introduced a series of heuristics to detect malicious programs that have not known before a malicious program is active and doing damage. This approach can detect malicious programs that really new and variants of spyware or adware without the need for 'fingerprints'. Things he did was look for suspicious process or series of instructions commonly used by malicious programs.
  • Protection of Advanced Behavioral: STAR has redesigned the protection behavior (behavioral) Symantec, allowing it to recognize and block thousands of new variants of malware by analyzing the behavior of the software, all without traditional fingerprints.
  • Engine Slim and Efficient: STAR optimize the main scan engine, helping Symantec products to be the fastest in the industry.

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Security System Gray on Facebook

Jakarta - A few days ago have been held with the Conference of the CERT in the Asia Pacific region or also known as The Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT). CERT cooperation among the Asia Pacific region has been established since 2003 and began conducting the conference since 2004.

APCERT 2010 held in Phuket, Thailand on 3-5 March 2010 and acted as host this time is the THAI-CERT. Of course Indonesia participated as one of the countries that already have national CERT and has been recognized that the Asia Pacific CERT ID-SIRTII (Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure). ID-SIRTII had just formed in early 2007 and officially became the General APCERT Member since June 2009.

Whatever APCERT discussed in this Conference. The most crucial issues currently considered by the members of the CERT is safety in Social Networking (Security on Social Network) can be said that it is safe and not safe.

Say safe, because all the information protected. On a social networking site of Facebook is very popular, they protect the only way Facebook Facebook members are able to connect to social networking sites and only the official account can have spoken to each other and exchange information, protect user accounts with some security such as user id and password (standard), master, security can personalize the settings set by the user itself, to close the account if Facebook does not want to use.

It said it was not safe because if we've become a member / member, information can be retrieved by anyone and at any time by a friend or a friend who claims to be a user / object of exploitation. The information placed on Facebook accounts are meant for the hackers to gather information in an attempt to break down user accounts in other places.

APCERT Delegates dazzled by what is delivered by a team APCERT conference in Indonesia this time, because Indonesia (ID-SIRTII) as the last team to join the APCERT, it occupies the largest Internet user number 2 in Asia Pacific after China with over 380 million users (total population 1.5 billion more).

Indonesia already has a number of Internet users reached 45 million more (total population 250 million more) and supported by more than 300 ISPs who have official permission from the Director General of Post and Telecommunication, Internet users is growing exponentially every day.

Internet Indonesia

Why is the number of Internet users in Indonesia may increase significantly? First, it is influenced by the thirst of information consumed by the internet user.

The second is the growth of social networking sites like Facebook, the Twitter, blogs and many others. Third, the Internet is very cheap to buy a monthly subscription can be so cheap Rp 50,000, even on demand, anytime connectivity to the Internet user can directly contact each provider and with a very enthusiastic internet provider will serve its customers.

Fourth is the device that is already terjangkaunya using qwerty keyboard, such as BlackBerry, Nokia, and others. Moreover, China's mobile phone under a million with keyboradnya qwerty, gsm modem plus an affordable and can be used anywhere and anytime. And of course the Internet user growth is also a potential marketing for the product owners, because it started growing a variety of messenger services.

Facebook representatives from the United States presented the Indonesian Facebook user has reached the largest sequence number 2 after the U.S. with 20.5%. Compared to other countries, visitors to social networking on the Internet continues to grow every day and can be said as a community to look for new things, mutual sharing of information, images, and other content.

But Facebook does not deny the existence of several cases that occur because of the impact of facebook like kidnapping, rape, harassment until the most hits is committing suicide.

Facebook said it was concerned with these things, but all returned to the user, because they are very close to a network of friends, then Facebook can not control the user content uploaded to the account.

In closing this report, the Chairman APCERT this time carried by the HK-CERT (Hong Kong) and the deputy is SING-CERT (Singapore), APCERT Secretariat is still being done in Japan (JP-CERT), Indonesia (ID-SIRTII) because it is still very new, General Member and still can assume it is not one of these positions in APCERT, compared with the Thai-Sing-CERT and CERT are already a member of CERT since 2003.

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VBWorm.AGR, Virus Local ruffled IE

Jakarta - One of the local virus that computer users should watch out for is VBWorm.AGR. Although not too fierce, these viruses can mess up the look of Internet Explorer.

Analysts described the Vaksincom antivirus, Adang Jauhar Taufik, this virus will change the IE default page to a blog that addresses the http://www.hellspawn.de.be and provide 'bonus' to change the default search page to an account in Friendster.

The virus is created with Visual Basic language program with a file size of around 58 KB, the file type 'Application' and the file extension 'EXE'.

"Actually it is not too difficult to identify this virus, one of them is to see the home page and search page of Internet Explorer. In addition, when running regedit program will display an error message."

At the time the virus is active in the victim's computer, it will create some master files that will run when the computer is first turned on. In order for these files can be automatically executed, he will make a few strings in the registry windows.

"To defend himself, he will do a block of several main windows functions such as Task Manager, Registry Editor, Msconfig or a system restore, this is also done to enable him at the time of the user executing the application, this virus will hide the file regedit.exe and Notepad.exe, "continued Adang.

The main target of this virus is hiding folders and subfolders found. Meanwhile, to spread himself he will use Flash media disk with a duplicate file in accordance with the file name are hidden.

"Unlike what most local virus, he will not use the Windows autorun feature to activate him," he concluded.

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Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Smadav 2010 Rev 8.1

Addition of new virus database 100
Virus (or more precisely Malware) that a lot of spread in Indonesia today are mostly foreign-made virus in nature is similar to the local virus. These viruses to become the targets of this latest version SmadAV. Own local virus is currently spreading began to decline and very rarely found. This we conclude from virus samples uploaded by the www.smadav.net Smadaver.

SmadAV Virus Scanner Engine (SmadEngine.dll)
SmadAV old engine that has been used since 2006 is not used since 2010 SmadAV Rev. Is 8.1. Re reform Virus Scanner Engine that makes SmadAV release delayed over a month. This new engine completely rewritten from scratch using the programming language C + + with a complete engine that was previously written with Visual Basic. Most virus detection techniques in this new engine has been revamped and improved for the better. Memory usage on the new engine is more stable and efficient than the old engine, as well as the scanning speed is also faster.

Compatible on Windows Vista & 7
In Rev. 8-rev and previous rev SmadAV is still not 100% compatible on Windows Vista and Windows 7. But the Rev. This 8.1 SmadAV both scanner and his protector has supported and 100% compatible for use in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The following is a complete list of improvements SmadAV Rev. 2010. 8.1:

Engine new scanner (SmadEngine.dll) to detect the virus more quickly and accurately.
External Database (Smadav.loov) to make it easier to update the database for the next revision.
Plug-in explorer right click on the latest (SmadExtc.dll) the better.
Compatible in Windows Vista & 7.
Detection of several viruses that many international spread in Indonesia (Sality & Alman) was more rapid and accurate.
Adding a database of more than 100 new viruses and their variants
Improved false alarm on some files.
Completion of key blacklist illegal methods SmadAV Pros
Changes SmadAV team structure for 2010
Added uninstall menu in the Tray Icon for easy uninstall
And many other improvements ...

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Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

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Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Producer Countries 10 Most Evil Trojan

MOSCOW - anti-virus vendor Kaspersky released a 10-producing countries that terganas Trojan capable of stealing passwords. List of countries expressed at the conference about the threat of cyber crime in the future, which took place in Moscow

China ranked as a top maker of Trojans with 63 percent followed over Russia (12%). While Germany, India and Turkey ranked next with 4 percent position. As for Egypt, the United States, Ukraine, Mexico, and France occupied the position to produce 3 percent of the outstanding trojan.

Aleks Gostev, director of the Global Research and Analysis Team Kasperski said other countries somewhat surprising is the presence of Egypt in the list of 10 countries Trojan creators. And the country known to the state is not typical trojan makers.

The data are based on research on tens of millions of computers around the world. "Egypt is the worst victim of cyber crime cases in 2008, but in 2009 the number of attacks decreased to Egypt," said Gostev.

"Apart from Egypt, which surprisingly is Turkey, a lot of malware that are now made in Turkey," he said.

List of producing countries trojan
7.Amerika States
10. France
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Kaspersky IS 2010 'The Best' in Romania

JAKARTA - Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 has been chosen as 'The Best' by the readers of CHIP and XtremPC, a leading IT magazine in Romania. This survey initiated by the magazine in order to identify software and hardware products the best in the year 2009.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 was selected as 'Security Software Product of the Year 2009' in the software category. Kaspersky received the highest score compared with rival developers, such as Norton Security 2009 and 2010, and ESET Smart Security 4.

"In this two-year Kaspersky Internet Security was selected as 'Product of the Year' by the readers of CHIP and XtremPC."

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 combines Safe mode Run a technology based on innovative new Sanbox, a unique feature of the Internet Security Suites. Run Safe allows users to run software in isolated virtual environment and protect the operating system of all types of malicious damage.

Statistically, Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 has shown that the vulnerability of the operating system and applications are often trusted to be used by hackers to attack the applications that use the Internet.
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Beware, Say Spam your Bank Bankrupt

Jakarta - Because of recession that occurred recently, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States has closed many banks failed. Until mid-December 2009, as many as 140 banks had been closed by the FDIC.

Now, because of the mass media coverage of the news, spammers (junk message sender) took advantage of this situation to their advantage.

One action is to send a message that claimed the tricks mentioned bank and your bank is believed to have announced bankruptcy.

"When users click on the link on the word 'learn how to save money', Trojan.Pidief will try to install itself into the PC."

Therefore, Symantec recommends users to check with a trusted news sources and legal websites of financial authority to determine whether the bank actually had been taken over by the government.

"With these examples, spammers continue to find ways to increase the chance that their messages opened by the user. Symantec predict these techniques will continue to be used in 2010," added this security company.
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Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Microsoft, Adobe & Oracle Security Update

JAKARTA - Microsoft, Adobe and Oracle is scheduled to release a security update to address security vulnerabilities products.

Microsoft has released only one security bulletin to address a security vulnerability. Even so, Microsoft categorizes security vulnerabilities such as critical

"One of Microsoft's security vulnerabilities are affecting everything, from Windows 2000 to Windows 7, but in critical categories for Windows 2000."

"From the XP SP2 and later products, Microsoft has strengthened the heap memory with a memory heap protection strategy; this makes the security vulnerabilities are less of a problem for systems of more recent," he added

Adobe is also scheduled to release a security update. One of the updates that are expected to patch the security vulnerability critical zero-day and affecting the Acrobat Reader, which was first identified on December 14.

"We see this security vulnerability actively exploited by attackers," said Greenbaum.

"At the end of December this attack looks businesses rose sharply and then declined, but we still see attacks limited to such exploitation. It is possible that the type of exploitation is more reliable under development. "

Finally, Oracle is scheduled to release an advisory that addresses 24 security vulnerabilities as well as part of their quarterly security update.

Symantec strongly recommends users to patch their systems to address this security vulnerability. In addition, companies are encouraged to consider implementing a patch management solution automatically to help overcome these risks
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Yahoo Messenger Virus Bak MacGyver

Jakarta - Still remember MacGyver action movies, which often makes sophisticated tools even if only with simple equipment. This also seemed to occur with viruses Yahoo Messenger, although formulated with programming languages (VB Script) is considered one eye but a deadly virus.

Adang described Taufik Jauhar, a virus analyst from Vaksincom, this virus is generically known as W32/VBTroj.CEPA and the de facto become the most vicious viruses and most disturbing in the beginning of the year 2010.

The virus is capable of doing many things like installing rootkits, block network access and manipulate the Windows hosts file so I can do blocking access to security sites on the victim computer.

"And the more sophisticated, it dienkrip hosts file to avoid detection and repair by antivirus programs."

This virus, he added, also will perform several blocks access to security sites or other sites that have been determined by the number switch to IP which is the public ip www.google.com, it actually indirectly cause ddos against Google . com.

"Is there a connection or not with the attack on Google in China that cause Google account to leave? We'll see. In fact, more and more computers are infected by this virus, then the access (which indirectly causes DDos) against the original site Google will and higher, "he said.

So that every time a user tries to access to certain websites, including website security / antivirus, then that arises is the site www.google.com.

This virus spreads very rapidly by taking advantage of chat media commonly used by users such as Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger and Skype by sending a message and attach a link to download a file which is engineered like an image file (JPG), but in fact a virus file already compressed berdeda sizes are different depending on the variant that infects the computer. The compressed file has an exe extension.

If you receive the message you receive should not be let alone run the included file while the Messenger contact a friend who you know, it's not your friend who sent the virus but the virus that infects the computer and use messenger accounts.

One of the things that cause the virus to spread in addition to successfully use the media mentioned above, it will also update to update itself it is this which causes Scaner antivirus can not detect the virus.

The virus is more powerful entrenched with the help of a rootkit file serving to protect the active parent file in memory, so cleaning is done through windows Normal, Safe Mode or Safe Mode With Command Prompt sometimes can not solve the problem.
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Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Smadav 2010 Rev 8

2010 SmadAV Rev. 8 was released with a variety of new features and improvements that are specific to local eradication of the virus. That features such as Smad-Behavior that can identify new local virus that does not exist in the database SmadAV of his behavior when infecting the system. Smad-Ray that can scan automatically flash when installed within a maximum of 5 seconds. 2010 SmadAV more stable and highly recommended to be combined with international anti-virus because it can only handle SmadAV local virus. Immunization flash (using autorun.inf folder) has been revised and previously there will be a confirmation so you can decide whether a flash is to dikebalkan or not.

For information, the virus samples that users uploaded to the site Smadav.net, local spread of the virus are now beginning to fall dramatically in Indonesia. Perhaps this is due to the many local antivirus that can eradicate the local viruses. And also because the users of Windows XP that has been reduced because some had to upgrade its operating system to Windows Vista or Windows 7 a very safe from viruses, especially viral infections locally. The spread of the virus in Indonesia more dominated by the international mobile viruses and malware which certainly can not be overcome SmadAV. You must and it is strongly recommended to use the international anti-virus protection your computer from viruses and malware of this international.

Almost all new local virus that still use the local viral techniques to infect the system will be detected by SmadAV. This local virus can be detected from behavior that directly infect the system shortly after executed. So, no problem anymore for SmadAV to prevent new local virus that does not exist in the database.

Combined with Antivirus International
SmadAV made with the aim to clean and protect your computer from viruses spread locally that many in Indonesia. So, SmadAV not able to detect the virus internationally. Therefore, if you often surf or often install new programs, you must and it is strongly recommended to install an antivirus to be combined with international SmadAV. SmadAV can be combined with almost all international antivirus. When combined, SmadAV will protect your computer from viruses and local international antivirus that will protect you from viruses as a whole internationally. International's antivirus such as the free is Avira, AVG, or Avast, and that paying such a Kasperksy, Norton, or NOD32.

Smad-Ray and immunization Flashdisk
Smad-Ray is a quick scan pendrive (maximum 5 seconds) just after the flash is mounted so that without a long wait you can immediately know if the flash is your local infected or not. Immunization SmadAV flash done by adding the autorun.inf folder on your flash so that the virus that usually infects the flash will be very difficult to spread because of its autorun file can no longer be made on your flash. This immunization will be done after you approve the confirmation of the moment after the flash is attached.

The following is a complete list of improvements SmadAV Rev. 2010. 8

  • The addition of local virus database 23 new and improved some false positive
  • A new heuristic technique that can detect the local virus variants provided with one simple variants existing in-database
  • VBS heuristic technique is more accurate and intelligent increased
  • More stable to be merged with all the international AV (other AV detect the computer and if not there would suggest to get an international AV installed)
  • Scan flash is very fast only 5 seconds (Smad-Ray) is not only scan the outer portion of the flash, but also to all the files in the flash
  • adAV Pro is the password does not have access rights to change the registry with SmadAV
  • ications (Balloon Tray) beginning at the start-up is not there anymore
  • Smad-perfect behavior and with a new look when he warns the user
  • Confirm the addition autorun.inf folder to immunization flash installed shortly after the flash, the user is free to choose to immunize its flash or not
  • Folder SmadAV Smad-Lock/Brankas no longer automatically added in the FD but must manually via Smad-Lock tab
  • Adding the "more" in SMARTP alerts

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