Eastern European hackers who named himself the successful Romanian Gypsies into the Telegraph online site's security system. In fact, they successfully change the look of the front page with a face icon from an American politician, Sarah Palin, and also the photo image Romanian flag.
"They returned to find the hole that was discovered in March 2009. And without doubt they had defaced the two subdomains as well, namely 'shortbreaks (dot) telegraph.co.uk and wine-and-Dine (dot) telegraph.co.uk / site / index.php '. "
"It seems that company at the Telegraph did not learn from past experience. The evidence, they let the hole until hackers can exploit," he added.
Blogs that mention, the hacker wrote if bobolnya Telegraph website this happens because of the vulnerability SQLi. Moreover, could not have sounded repeatedly ignores the fact that even today, the password in the usual view is wrong. The fact that all IT security experts recommended that a password must have at least encription, it should be obeyed.
Long enough that vandalism occurred, although this time the Guardian newspaper sites competitors can already be accessed again in the normal state by the visitors who are not only from outside the UK alone.
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